Michael Morgenstern
Michael Morgenstern is a filmmaker, technologist, and culture hacker. He has produced and directed three films in over 70 festivals worldwide. Michael focuses on the interaction between social media, news cycles, interaction design, and cultural discourse - and how disinformation is propagated. He is CEO and creative director of This is Definitely Real, an alternate reality media company telling interactive stories online.
Combating Disinformation and Tribalism Through Media
Social media has created a balkanization of conversation. Trapped inside our filter bubbles, the walls between us have solidified and our narratives and identities can be hacked. How do we change our discourse to create new narratives? In September, Michael will be releasing a movie in a completely new way over social media, as if it’s actually happening alongside dozens of fictional stories and celebrity appearances. It’s about two kids who try to ruin each others’ lives. Based on a viral Reddit story with two million views, it’s aimed at kids aged 13 to 25.
This project will frame the problems, make them visible, and create a global conversation about how disinformation works. We can move forward and make a better world, and creating discussion and a better understanding of the problem is the first step. Michael will show the trailer and provide an overview of the project and the state of disinformation today in 2020.