HOPE 2020 will be an entirely online event. The shift to an online event changes lots of things about the conference, including volunteer roles.

Here are some of the needs we know about so far. Please let us know if you are interested and available for any of them by emailing volunteers@hope.net.

HOPE is a 9-day event, so there will be volunteer shifts and different roles. Contribute the time you can, before and during the event. Volunteers are asked to purchase a HOPE ticket, like other attendees.

Above all else, we need your help in getting the word out! For the first time, HOPE is a truly global event where we can have speakers, panelists, workshop coordinators, musicians, and more participating from anywhere on the planet. We want to take advantage of this unique opportunity and help to turn this year's unfortunate events into something positive. Our success in pulling this off will make future HOPE conferences possible.